Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 6/12, or six twelfths, is equal to 1/2, or one half. Expressed as a decimal fraction, this is equal to 0.5.
6/12 = 1/2 = 50% (since the whole thing is 100%)
12 fourths is neither a mixed number nor a fraction. It is an integer: 3.
1/3 = 4/12 and 1/4 = 3/12
12/18 is a equivalent fraction for 6/9. 4/12 is a equivalent fraction for 2/6
To convert it to a common denominator.
Renaming a fraction, if done properly, will not affect its size.
The equivalent fraction for 6 is 6/1 or 12/2
Find the least common denominator and convert each fraction to its equivalent. Example: 2/3 and 3/4 The least common denominator of 3 and 4 is 12. 2/3 = 8/12 3/4 = 9/12
Nothing happens to the fraction.
A mixed number can be changed into an improper fraction
12/6 = 2..?