الحقيقة (alHaqiiqa) means justice/equality/truth
الحقوق (alHaquuq) means rightness/justice/the law
الحقّ (alHaqq) means truth/reality/justice and is one of the names of Allah.
عدالة is the arabic word of Justice.
how to write Alizah in Arabic
teletti is word for 3 \ can't write it in arabic without arabic keyboard
topic in arabic
I am = ana ( in Arabic ). And in Arabic you write it this way : أنا
To write the name Jada in Arabic, it would be spelled جايدا.
I hate you in Arabic : أكرهك
u can't write Arabic in this website ,but u can Google it.
44 is written as ٤٤ in Arabic.
its same ahmed but in Arabic we write it احمد