The decimal places go like: 1000s 100s 10s 1s . 10ths 100ths 1000ths So 7 in the 10ths place, and 6 in the thousands place: 6000.700 If you meant 'six thousandths' instead of thousands, then put the 6 in the 1000ths place like: 0.706
five thousand four
Three and four tenths.
Four hundred and two thousand, five hundred.
five thousand seven hundred and four tenths
Six thousand, four hundred twelve and five tenths.
One hundred fifty-five thousand, three hundred four and nine tenths.
how do you write five thousand four hundred thirty-two and one tenth in decimal form
402,000 2/10
Four thousand, five hundred eighty-seven and two tenths.
One thousand, three hundred seventy-four and six tenths.