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If the teacher does not go over the required information in order for students to pass the final exam required for the course then they have failed to implement everything in that curriculum.

-B, grade 12

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Q: How does a teacher fail to implement the curriculum?
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Why we study curriculum?

We study curriculum to understand how to design, implement, and improve educational programs. It helps us ensure that students receive a well-rounded and coherent education that meets academic standards and learning objectives. Study of curriculum also promotes teacher effectiveness and student learning outcomes.

What is the Center of curriculum?

the curriculum in which teacher role is dominant

What is an enacted curriculum?

An enacted curriculum refers to the curriculum that is actually delivered by teachers in the classroom, as opposed to the intended or written curriculum. It reflects how teachers interpret and implement the curriculum in their day-to-day teaching practices.

What is curriculum for an elementary teacher?

A curriculum for an elementary grade teacher is the plan of teaching for a term. This curriculum is set up by the school system to be followed for a specific goal of learning.

Role of teacher in curriculum development?

This will vary by state, but most states in the United States have set standard curricula that are developed by the state public board of education. The individual teacher must figure out how to teach that curriculum but does not affect what the curriculum is.

What is the difference between curriculum planning and curriculum development?

curriculum is student centered while curriculum planning is teacher centered.

What are the role of the teacher in the development of motivation?

His role is very important.The teacher and students involved in curriculum organization each have different roles and responsibilities. Teachers want to enjoy teaching and watching their students develop interests and skills in their interest area. Teachers also want to discover the effective practices of their teaching profession. The teacher creates lesson plans and syllabi within the framework of the given curriculum. The teacher's responsibilities are to implement the curriculum to meet student needs.

What are the tools used in educational planning?

I am not sure what you mean by "tools". To plan a curriculum several factors are to be considered. The state framework for each subject first must be used, then district standards and objectives, and the use of the textbooks is needed, and finally teacher input. A teacher also needs a basic foundation of a philosophy concerning their view of education and how to implement it into the classroom and curriculum.

What is curriculum for elementary grade teacher?

A curriculum for an elementary grade teacher is the plan of teaching for a term. This curriculum is set up by the school system to be followed for a specific goal of learning.

What are the implication of an everchanging curriculum to teacher?

The implication of an ever changing curriculum to teachers is that it serves as an another opportunity for the teacher to develop her strategies and method of teaching. There are also negative implications in an ever changing curriculum where the teachers will take time to adapt to the changes of the curriculum.

What would happen if curriculum does not relate to instruction?

the curriculum will not develop and implement well.Because instruction is very important, for to follow and to guide the students to improve.

Why teacher need to understand fully well the dimensions of curriculum design?

so that the teacher will know the most appropriate curriculum design she will used in the future.