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Engineers and architects use it all the time.

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Q: How does basic geomerty connect to real life?
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How is geomerty used in the real world?

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Basic psychology is research just for the sake of knowledge, and applied psychology is research used to solve real life problems.

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The band featured in Camp Rock is called Connect 3, played by the real life band the Jonas Brothers.

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Drama is like life since actors normally assume roles of real human beings or other animals. Drama also brings out basic life teachings and principles.

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Avatar : The Last Airbender was just an concept based on the 4 basic elements of Nature. Its just a fantasy and not real. It talks about controlling nature's power which is not true in real life.

What is a real life example?

Real life is a real life example!

What are real life examples of a line graph?

Well real life examples of a line graph can be the comparison of people in your city per day, or the amount of words you write in a different time. There are so many real life actions that can be put into a basic line graph to be compared. Or maybe how long it takes for you to type, that's another example.

How long ago did connect 3 connect?

they never did it's a fake band. Their real name is Jonas Brothers