This question makes no sense whatsoever. An acre is an area, a decimal is a kind of number. Numbers do not make an area and areas do not make up numbers.
Please ignore the answer above. People need to stop posting things they don't know.
A decimal is a measure of land, most commonly used in South East Asia. Here is how it measures up:
1 decimal = 1/100 acre = 435.60 sq. ft.
So, 1 acre = 100 decimals of land.
1 acre = 100 decimals.
an acre is equal to 4046.8564224 metres
1 acre = 40.468564224 are
One acre is equal to 0.4046873 Ha
One acre is equal to 43,560 square feet.
100 cents = 1 acre
1 ha = 2.47 acre
2.47 Acres
one cent is equal to 48 yards. 100 cents is equal to one acre that means 4,800 yards is one acre.
One sixth of an acre is approximately 2,420 square feet.
Two Kunta means Half acre.
1Bigha = 0.625 Acre In Rajasthan