Conversion Factors:
( 2 years ) x ( 365.25 days / 1 year ) = 730.5 days
( 730.5 days ) x ( 24 hours / 1 day ) = 17532 hours
There are 17,532 hours in two years.
There are about 0.000114077 years in one hour.
You should get an hour to two hours of exercise a day if you are 13 years old.
149,019 hours.
There are two years in two years. :) Hope i helped.
120 minutes.
(2 years) x (365 days per year) x (24 hours per day) x (60 minutes per hour) = 1,051,200 minutes
Hour 30 minutes- two hours
3 years
A full hour or so ...
They can come up with 367 questions per hour