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A circle has an unlimited amount of symmetry lines, as long as the line passes through the middle point of the circle.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

Infinitely many.

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Q: How many lines of symmetry does circles has?
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How many line of symmetry do perfect circles have?

They have infinite lines of symmetry.

How many planes of symmetry does a cylinder have?

two of the faces of a cylinder are circles circles have an infinite number of lines of symmetry therefore cylinders have an infinite number of planes of symmetry

Does circles has exactly 2 lines of symmetry?

A circle has infinitely many points of symmetry. Every straight line that passes through the center of a circle is a line of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry are there on a perfect cirlcle?

There is an infinite number of lines across a circle that form two symmetric half-circles.

How many line of symetry a circle has?

A circles lines of symmetry go on forever no matter which way you go.

What shape has more than 3 lines of symmetry?

A circle or sphere has an infinite number of lines of symmetry.

How many lines of rotational symmetry does a circle have?

infinite! as much as you rotate it , it will be exactly the same arent circles cool ? (:

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Shapes with more than 4 lines of symmetry?

A regular hexagon has more than 4 lines of symmetry. Even number sided polygons that are regular and have more than 4 sides have more than 4 lines of symmetry. Circles have more than four lines of symmetry. Squares also have 4 lines of symmetry.

Is a circle and sphere symetrical?

Circles and spheres both have infinite numbers of lines of symmetry

What shapes don't have lines of symmetry besides circles and ovals?

Circles and Ovals DO have lines of symmetry: a circle has an infinite number of them (each is a diameter of the circle) and an oval (ellipse) has two (one along the major axis, one along the minor axis). Shapes which have no lines of symmetry are irregular ones, eg scalene triangles, along with most parallelograms (ie parallelograms which are not rhombuses) and non-isosceles trapezia. Some irregular shapes can have lines of symmetry, eg irregular octagons can have 1, 2 or 4 lines of symmetry as well as no lines of symmetry, unlike a regular octagon which [always] has 8 lines of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry does a nephroid have?

A nephroid has 2 lines of symmetry.