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6 sides

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Q: How many sides does a square based prism have?
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How many sides does a square prism have?

A square prism has six sides

What is a solid figure with the base like a square?

A square based pyramid, a square based prism, and any one of infinitely many other 3-dimensional shapes.A square based pyramid, a square based prism, and any one of infinitely many other 3-dimensional shapes.A square based pyramid, a square based prism, and any one of infinitely many other 3-dimensional shapes.A square based pyramid, a square based prism, and any one of infinitely many other 3-dimensional shapes.

How many edges does a square based prism have?

12! square-based prism = rectangular prism. rectangular prism = 4 + 4 + 4 4+4+4=12

How many based does a square prism have?


How many faces does the prism have?

If you have a triangle, that has 3 sides and a square, otherwise known as a quadrilateral, has 4 sides. So a prism must have 10 sides!

How many sides has a triangular based prism got?


How many edges on square based prism?


How many verticies are in a square-based prism?


How many vertices does asquare based prism?

it could have any amount! you must say the shapes on the sides like a triangular prism has two triangles on the sides and a pentagonal prism has two pentagons on the sides!

How many sides vertices and edges does the square prism?

First, by sides, you mean faces. Second, by square prism, you mean cube. That said, a cube has 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges. * * * * * No, second. By square prism you do not need to mean cube. A cuboid : AxAxB is a prism of length B and a square cross-section of AxA units.

How many shapes of faces does a square pyramid and a triangular prism have?

Square Pyramid has a square base and 4 triangular sides. Triangular Pyramid has a triangle base and 3 triangular sides.