If dragons ever existed or not, they most likely would have been a mix between a reptile of some sort and a flying animal, some think that dragons would have been found in prehistoric time simply because of the massive array of different reptiles, and not in the medieval age. And despite what common beliefs are, i still think there can be a flying reptile, its a natural cycle like birds, they change from land, to water, to air; water living salamanders are changing right now from water to land.
AnswerThat question is not easy to answer but let me put it like this. It's like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg? Or asking where do dogs come from? They don't really come from anywhere they have just evolved out of nowhere like you humans have....
AnswerThere is no direct evidence but the available data does suggest that Class Hexapedal evolved in isolation on the now sunken continent of Vorcaic. All families of terrestrial dragons appear to have evolved from only two immigrants invasions, one a seal-like ancestor, the other an air-borne ancestor.
Answerit is believed that dragons came from the earth they were born from clay and when they die there bodies return to the clay they can only return to the earth if their fire tear is returned to the earth's center which is supposed to be a big ball of fire also it is said that dragons were moulded from clay by giya the earth goddess.
There is a story that ancient dragons are now cats.
According to LegendsIf one refers to the more fabulous mythical dragons, many legends and stories speak of dragons acting as reptiles in that they lay eggs and their young emerge from them. Unlike reptiles, however, must legends dictate that dragons have very few offspring, usually just a single egg. In some cases, dragons are born of magic or are punished people or creatures, manifestations of the gods or elements or simply demons.
Some biblical scholars, both of the Jewish and Christian persuasion, insist that the serpent featured in Genesis in the Garden of Eden was a dragon, as the word serpent has historically been used interchangeably with dragon.
There is a total of nine dragons in the Dragon City.
Dragons live in many different areas.
The random dragons come in different kinds, depending on your level. The first ones are just called 'Dragon', after that are Blood Dragons, then Frost Dragons, Elder Dragons, then Ancient Dragons. Some dragons have names, these dragons will be one of the types mentioned above.
Yes. Some types of dragons, such as night dragons, can.
before dragons were called dragons they where called worm...why? that i dont know i simply know they were known as worms before they were called dragons.
There are about 62- 68 different types of dragon.You cannot breed all of them.http://dragcave.net/user/BIgCatGirl41please click on my dragons and eggs.thank you.
Usually they are just called "dragons".
Females are known as drakaina and males are known as drake
Nobody has proven that dragons exist. Is it possible that dragons could have once walked on this planet? Yes. The last census put the total world population of dragons at 3267, but you known how 'everybody' lies on those things.
Usually, types of dragons depend on what country you're in, what you usually believe, and/or what you want to believe - for example, you can even make up your own dragonlore according to what you think dragons are like.
3 1:fishing 2:traveling 3:war
They Are Lizards But I Think There Dragons