we can appear in aryabhatta maths competition if your ma'am selects you for BUT if your mam doesnt select you,you can also register for it on the website.......................
Aryabhatta definately.... We can say most Math belongs to him.
i was in a math competition
aryabhatta-2 (mother's name)aryabhatta-1 (father's name)aryabhatta-2 (mother's name)
aryabhatta-2 (mother's name)aryabhatta-1 (father's name)aryabhatta-2 (mother's name)
{| |- | Aryabhatta's contribution to the number system |} {| |- | Aryabhatta's contribution to the number system |}
discovery in maths by aryabhatta?
Aryabhatta discovered the first 0 of the world
Purple Comet doesn’t publicly release official answers, but you can find past problems on their website. Some math forums discuss solutions, but if you're prepping, it’s better to work through the problems yourself. Beestar could also be a good way to build problem-solving skills with structured practice and national rankings.
Not much is known about aryabhatta's family.
Aryabhatta Knowledge University was created in 2008.
how many contribution of aryabhatta in mathematics and anstronomy