Fact families are 3 numbers that are related, just as the people in a family are related. They make a set of related math facts.
Fact family in first grade math is using 3 numbers and using the operations: Addition and Subtraction.
I don't know the answer but I think god does, so get up there math freak ! BTW boring question
2x7=14, 7x2=14, 14/2=7, & 14/7=2
Prime number.
fact family are related facts Number family are related numbers
its a composite numbe
A math fact is 1 + 4 = 5. A fact is something that is known to be true. It is a fact that she is 5'10" tall.
At the top of your program: import math or from math import * The second one imports all math functions, like fact() for factorial.
how you would include math during family style lunch time
878 is the answer to the problem and the full answer would be 878,925+878+1803I remember when i was in 5th grade ^-^ (Math can be tough it sure is for me)