Every six-digit number is greater than any five-digit number.
The 6
The digit 6 is 1,000 times greater than the value of the 4.
what is the difference between the largest 8-digit number and the smallest 6-digit number
Every six-digit number is greater than any five-digit number.
The value of the digit 6 in the number 5.369 is six hundredths.
It is 0.06 or 6/100
A single digit in a number has a place value, not a whole number.
Its value is: 60,000,000 = sixty million
In the number 68345, the value of the 6 is 6000. The value of a digit in a number is determined by its place in the number. In this case, the 6 is in the thousands place, so its value is 6 x 1000 = 6000.