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I got 106 on my IQ test too, when I was thirteen. That was different from the much higher score I received when I was 11. It just proves your IQ test results change daily depending on whether you feel like thinking or feel like making conceptual leaps of feeling or just feel rushed to get through with the test. It means little, since with my supposed 106 I.Q., it sure didn't stop me from writing 82 published paperback books, including 22 novels. I took several other I.Q. tests. On a verbal I.Q. test I got 142. And my spatial, math, and verbal scores always varied with the year and the test. So never let one I.Q. score create mythical boundaries between you and your creativity enhancement exercises, learning, or career plans because I.Q. has little to do with creativity in music, art, or creative writing...and there are seven intelligences...Think mechanical aptitude or another form of intelligence related to your future career plans. You can excel in an area you enjoy best. What topic is of interest to you? Follow what you do best. And do the best you can with what you have. Yes, I'm a popular writer, and the I.Q. meant very little as far as my ability to write salable fiction. Decide for yourself if I.Q. means anything as far as writing enjoyable novels for families. See information on my books at: As a retired creative writing educator, don't let one test create a boundary to your aspirations. Be realistic, and be as creative as you can as long as it is what you like to do. Learn as much as you can about yourself and your world. Enjoy and grow with happiness. An IQ of 106 for a 13 year old male is actually kind of below average. I am a 13 year old male, and my IQ is 160. <---- doubt that! An average IQ is 100. 106 is slightly ABOVE average, not below average. Type in the words "average IQ" (without quotation marks) in a search engine such as or and you will find this is true. Furthermore, IQ has absolutely nothing to do with one's age or gender. Your IQ would be the same no matter what age or gender you were. And the first contributor makes a good point, that your IQ would be different in different subjects, depending on where your skills are.

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16y ago
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17y ago

Your age shouldn't matter much in an IQ test... IQs should stay fairly stable throughout your life, although there have been cases where they have changed dramatically, in cases such as where the test was taken in a second language, and the language skills improved vastly, and in cases where there was an accident with brain damage, etc. Anyway, as to whether the score is "good" or not. 109 is above average. I wouldn't base your life on an IQ score though... the only thing that IQ scores predict fairly well is success in school. Not success in the workplace, not success anywhere else. So... you should graduate from college just fine. That is all the score can predict. :) YOU decide what you want to do with your life, and where you are going to invest your time and energy.

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15y ago

If the kid is sane and has his toes in the dirt, some big company or the other will swoop down on him, unless he might decide to become an Attorney, opportunity and desire presenting themselves. An IQ score of 132 is not quite enough for him to tackle Medical School. Any sane kid whose IQ is 125 or higher, is someone to keep an eye on and watch them WIN in life.

^ hmm.. whatever that means.

Look, I had an IQ of 132 after undergoing extensive neuropsych testing when I was 18 (4 years ago). There is not an IQ cutoff for medical school, that has more to do with your work ethic than your IQ.

The cutoff for "gifted" programs in schools is generally 135. 132 is just shy of that designation. What does it mean though? Absolutely nothing, besides potential. Gifted students drop out of high school at the same rate as nongifted kids - about 5% of both populations.

Even more surprising is that, later in life, up to one-fifth of dropouts test in the gifted range.

IQ's are fairly arbitrary and in the education field there is controversy about how they should be used. I am currently a senior at PSU majoring in education with an IQ of 132.

[This information is from my own reading and research, as well as from a 2007 New York Times article - "Failing Our Geniuses"]

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13y ago


The age should be irrelevant because IQ scores are meant to be age-adjusted. Usually, they are designed to have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. On that basis a score of 124 is around the top 6%

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17y ago

108 is good! Average person is between 80-100

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14y ago


NO is very correct. The average for any teenager is 100

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12y ago

Yes I got the same score. Also any score between 100-110 is an average score.

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Q: Is 106 a good IQ for a 13-year-old male?
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IQ is not dependent on age. Anything over 100 is considered good, 132 (Standford Benet) is Mensa good. However IQ often does not live up to expectations of society. High IQs tend to have more areas of interest making the advantage mostly useless for monetary advantages.

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A score of 106 is slightly above average. Age and sex are irrelevant.

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IQ does not change with age. Here is the population curve for IQ scores: An IQ of 100 is average.

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Is 106 IQ good or bad?

It is neither good nor bad, it is average. Anything score between about from 90 to 110 is average.

What is 106 rated on an IQ scale?

An IQ score of 106 falls within the average range of IQ scores, typically considered to be around 85-115. This indicates that the individual has cognitive abilities that are within the normal range compared to the general population.