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The reason 666 is associated with Satanism is because of a verse in The Bible

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

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14y ago

666 is the number attributed to the antichrist in the book of revelations (though, in some versions, it is 665...).

Why 666 is a puzzle that's been argued for centuries. Some people have used various numerology tricks to get people's names to equal 666, claiming that its proof that Napoleon Bonaparte (as one example) was the Antichrist. Of course, as people die off, the identity of the antichrist keeps changing.

There are some that claim 666 is a symbol of the antichrist because man was created on the 6th day, making it the number of man and there are 3 of them to mimic the holy trinity. Some say that 6, being one short of 7 (meaning perfection) repeated 3 times gives a similar meaning.

Old talismans created to the Sun or solar gods frequently had a magic square (a square where the rows and columns of numbers all add up to the same sum, sort of like a really complex sudoku puzzle) whose sum was 666.

Others say its wrong to think of it as 666. It may not be six hundred sixty six, but maybe 6 three times, or 66 and 6.

We'll keep pondering.

Not if Mr. Squidz has anything to say about it. 666 is the age of the Aquarius, in which Satan will rule again.

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9y ago

In the Book of Revelation, 666 is the Mark of the Beast, a minion of the Satan character. In numerology it is said to stand for '' Nero Again '', referring to Nero's nephew, Domitian, who like Nero had begun to persecute Christians during his reign : @ A.D. 81-96.

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8y ago

In the numbers less than ten each number has a significance. Purity was important in the Bible and in Judaeo tradition. Six is the only number less than 10 that has two different factors, 2 and 3, therefore it is impure. Using it 3 times makes it superlative, the most impure. So, when the number 666 is used to describe the anti-Christ it is meant to be impure.

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8y ago

It is the number of the beast, or its name, spoken of in Revelation 13, and will be revealed in the Great Tribulation. The "beast"/anti-Christ will be the man who does the work of Satan. Verse 18 says, "This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast." Some people have made speculations about it, but no one can really know until that time comes.

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666 is NOT the mark or 'number' of Satan. Julius Caesar was in exile and had nothing but locusts to eat. Consuming a locust is similar to consuming a narcotic, it brings hallucinations and many other symptoms. Because he was consuming these locusts, he went insane and began to resemble a 'monster,' and was called 'the beast.' Incidentally, in numerology, Julius Caesar's number was 666.

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