If you keep stressing, the first day of Grade 8 will seem hard. When you can get use to all the work sometime, it will feel easy.
third grade is not hard for most 8 year olds if they have a hard time learning it is hard they will have big challenges
Piano Grade 8! Hipprocker xx
each grade builds upon the skills developed in the previous years. Each grade may or may not be harder than the one before it, depending on your aptitude for the material. However, if you have neglected to actually LEARN the material from grade 7, grade 8 will be very hard. nope not here at q i roberts
It is really hard, I am grade 8 but my sister is grade 4 and she is struggling with most. i think only one song is able to be played by anyone under grade 2.
Yes! 4th grade is very hard! If your child is complaining listen to them!!!
no 7th grade placement tests arent hard.
a grade 5 is a hard level
8 grade
5th grade. Elementry school. Comes after 4th grade.
The highest grade on the flute is grade 8 (this is teaching grade)
no it is like 4th grade algebra