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The score ranges from 350-850 That is true for "FICO" credit score, however, in 2006, Equifax, Experian and Trans Union set up a rival credit scoring system, VantageScore, in competition with Fair Isaac's FICO. Vantage Score uses a scale that ranges up to 1,000, with 900-1,000 representing an "A" credit, 800-900 a "B" and so on. So, technically, there are credit scores of 900 and above (like mine!)... -Markos411

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What is the maximum credit score one individual may acquire?

The highest credit score one can have ranges from 760-850. A poor credit score would be in the range of 500-579. Poor credit ratings can prevent one from obtaining mortgages and approvals on loans.

What is the best credit report someone can have?

Depending on which credit report company one is with, depends on the highest credit report, as they have different categories. Experian's ratings are Very Poor, Poor, Fair, Good and Excellent, so Excellent being the best credit score. Equifax reports scores between 300-900, 900 being the best credit score. There are plenty of other provider's for gaining a credit report.

What is the credit score needed to be considered to have bad credit?

A bad credit score is below 600. The break down is as follows: 501-600 = F 601-700 = D 701-800 = C 801-900 = B 901-990 = A.

What is cibil score?

A three-digit numerical expression from 300 to 900 representing the measure of creditworthiness of an individual may be defined as a Credit Score. This three-digit numeric summarises a consumer's credit history and credit behavior based on, total debts, repayments of debts, number of open accounts, etc., recorded in a Credit Report typically sourced from a Credit Bureau.

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What is a good range for a credit score?

Good credit score ranges between 680- 750 and above this range credit score is considered excellent. Check your credit score regularly to get an idea about your credit score regularly.

FICO Reports Credit Report Score?

Fair Isaac Corporation is the major credit scoring company that compiles your credit scores from your payment history. Your credit scores indicate the risk involved that you will not default on your payments. If your score is 300 to 400, you are a major credit risk. If it is 750 or up to the highest at 900, you are an excellent credit risk. FICO reports your credit history to the three major credit bureaus. Go to FICO's website and check your raw credit score by paying a small fee. Compare it to credit bureau reports.

What is the highest beacon score possible?

The highest possible Beacon Score is 900. This indicates excellent creditworthiness and a strong likelihood of receiving favorable terms on loans and credit.

Is FICO score and credit score the same thing?


How is your credit score computed?

Credit scores are personal information. If you can tell me how your credit score is computed then I will tell you how my credit score is computed. Okay?

What credit score is perfect credit and what score is considered bad credit?

Credit score that is around or more than 700 is considered to be good and score below 500 is considered to be bad. It is always advised to constantly monitor your credit score.

What is a credit report and a credit score?

A credit report basically contains information about your credit history, whereas Credit score is a number which is generated on the basis of your credit report. Score totally depends upon one's credit record, if history is good, credit score will be high. I always check my credit score free at