This is called a sequence and if we add the numbers in that sequence it is called a series.
Prime numbers have only 2 factors and their set is not well defined because they do not follow an orderly mathematical pattern.
a set of numbers where there is no set number by which the numbers in the sequence increase
The pattern that the numbers follow is x - 101, x being the previous number.
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10...Follow this pattern with all the numbers.
A set of numbers usually refers to a group (set) of numbers with certain discreption or properties. All odd numbers less than 10 is the set {1,3,5,7,9} The set of numbers which solve the problem 3x^2 -7 = 68 is {5 and -5}
Yes. If its irrational it just means that it continues forever with no real pattern. It can still have real numbers
sorry I posted this by mistake
4 I think its 4. Otherwise it is just a randomly selected series of numbers O_o. Like These numbers follow a pattern 43087048520394560376092 What comes next? I think its just made up. Theres no answer. 4 I think its 4. Otherwise it is just a randomly selected series of numbers O_o. Like These numbers follow a pattern 43087048520394560376092 What comes next? I think its just made up. Theres no answer.
The numbers keep repetimg
data pattern