It's 59437583458498239.
In the US, in 2012, there were 12765 homicides. 8855 used firearms. Of those, 6371 were handguns. Specific type of handgun not reported.
Distance between Phoenix, Arizona, United States and Kuwait City, Kuwait 7932 miles (12765 km) (6893 nautical miles)
wich one
1. Subtract 25 2. Then subtract 6 3. Then subtract 12 4. Then subtract 2 5. Then subtract 10 6. Then subtract 15 7. Then subtract 7 8. Then add 3 X 1/2 9. Then add 8
does how many mean add or subtract
the noun for subtract is subtraction
Subtract is a verb.
To subtract is "substraer" or "restar".
"To subtract" is a verb.