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11 in worst case, 1 in best case,find avg case?

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Q: There is 12 perls One of them is either light or heavy than others There is a weighing pan How many trials are needed to find the exceptional one?
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Was Cleopatra a spie?

Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.

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Animal super senses refer to heightened sensory abilities that some animals possess, allowing them to perceive the world in ways that humans cannot. Examples include the echolocation of bats, the night vision of cats, the ability of sharks to detect electric fields, and the sense of smell of bloodhounds. These super senses often play a crucial role in an animal's survival and hunting strategies.

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A doctor can release protected health information if there is a reasonable concern of danger to the patient or to others. Otherwise, either permission from the patient or his or her agent or a court order is needed.

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Artificial reproduction in fish is used to control breeding, increase hatchery production, and preserve threatened or endangered species. It also allows for selective breeding to improve genetic traits for aquaculture purposes. Additionally, it helps ensure a sustainable supply of fish for commercial and recreational purposes.

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Fantastic, fantabulous, amazing, outstanding, impressive, exceptional, first-rate, superb, admirable, as well as many others.

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A distinguishing quality is a unique or exceptional characteristic that sets something or someone apart from others. It can be a feature, trait, or attribute that makes it easily recognizable or noteworthy.

Why is it difficult to define the qualities needed to lead others?

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Some might. Others don't. Many have a quite strict dress code and this is enforced quite well. Many either don't have one or don't enforce it at all.

What is the weight of a whole cooked chicken?

It depends entirely on what kind of chiken you are weighing. There are chickens that are about 1 pound fully grown and others that weigh over 15 pounds.

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