Imagine an island with a road network joining several towns. You want to visit each town before returning to your start point. Finding the best solution to this is the travelling salesman problem.
now imagine you want to resurface every road on the network. To do this in the shortest distance is the Chinese postman problem.
Essentially for the travelling salesman problem you have to visit every vertex. For the Chinese postman problem every edge must be visited.
They both have successful brothers..
time diffrence
often written in Classical Chinese.
One is fake and the other are extinct.
One is Chinese and one is New Zealander.
tanung mo sa nanay mo
lol, ur dum
the chinese need it
Military situation and Approach of the Imperial Japanese Army are some crucial differences between Chinese and Japanese historiography of the Nanking Massacre.
hieroglyphics was done by egyptians calligraphy was done by the Chinese
Most Chinese art has flowers and animals in it but US art has people and unrealistic things in it or they are cars, trucks, and vans