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Q: What are the properties of zero?
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Related questions

What are the five properties of multiplication?

zero property

What are the properties of addition for elementary?

The relevant properties are the commutative property, the associative property, and the property of zero (i.e., if you add zero to a number you get the same number again).

Is there such thing as the zero property in properties of multiplication?

no it is no such thing

What are all the properties of division?

Properties of division are the same as the properties of multiplication with one exception. You can never divide by zero. This is because in some advanced math courses division is defined as multiplication by the Multiplicative Inverse, and by definition zero does not have a Multiplicative Inverse.

What are the properties of zero as it relates to basic operation?

It is the additive identity.

What is one of the three math properties?

zero property additive property

Is zero its own opposite?

Zero is not opposite infinity. If all opposites sum to zero than zero+infinity do not. Zero can be difined as (x-x), or two exact opposites. When dividing zero one arrives at 0/x=0 but through algebra 0(0) must = x. When zero is in a finite system (x-x)+x=x One finds that zero retains its self nullifying properties. Yet in divisions and multiplications zero takes on properties other than its own. Groups of zero, or only zero produce something, but when there is something zero keeps self nullification.

What are the zero properties of subtraction?

The answer stays the same For example: 7-0=0

In math what are properties?

distributive, associative, commutative, and identity (also called the zero property)

What are the three names for additions properties?

associative property commutative property zero property

What is the study of properties of devices at temperatures near absolute zero called?

Physics of low temperatures.

What are the properties of multipulcation?

They are the Associative Property of Multiplication, the Commutative Property of Multiplication, and the Zero Property of Multiplication.