A 45-sided shape is called a pentatetracontagon. But, actually, if you want to keep it simple, you can just append the suffix -gon to the end of a number (higher than 10 only), like 12-gon, or 56-gon, or 89-gon or 1,000,000,000-gon, et cetera.
A Tetracontakaitetragon is a forty - five sided shape ...
you call a seven sided shape a heptagon.
The name of a 45 sided polygon is Tetraconpentagon.
An 11 sided shape is an Eptogon
A 12-sided shape is called a dodecagon.
A 30 sided shape is called a Triacontagon.
A nine sided shape or polygon is called a nonagon.
A seven sided shape is called a heptagon.
tetracontakaipentagon, or a tetracontapentagon
Why not just call it "a 130-sided shape"? because its not called that, spaz.
A five sided geometric shape is called a pentagon.