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The current is greater than or equal to

(6) divided by (the effective resistance of the circuit).

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Q: What happen to the current when the voltage is greater than or equal to 6 volts?
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What happens to the current when the voltage is greater than or equal to 6 V?

Illogical question captain!!

Does voltage divided by watts equal the current?

No, the current is equal to the power (watts) divided by the voltage, based on the formula: current = power / voltage. Voltage divided by watts does not equal current.

Voltage muiltiplied by resistance measures to current?

No. Voltage divided by resistance is equal to current.

How does the voltage applied to a circuit affect the current flowing through the wire?

Voltage is equal to the Current multiplied by the Resistance.Without changing the resistance, increasing the applied voltage in a circuit will increase current flow. There is a simple, direct relationship between voltage and current. Double the voltage, twice the current will flow. Triple the voltage, and the current will triple. As voltage (E) equals current (I) times resistance (R), when resistance is fixed, what happens to voltage will happen to current.

What is equal to voltage times current?

Power, in 'watts'.

Can voltage decrease when current is increased?

Yes and no. Voltage is directly proportional to current from Ohm's Law (V=IR.) Thus, when voltage increases, so does current. However, voltage can be inversely proportional to current in some situations. This can be seen in a transformer, where current and voltage are inversely proportional due to the law of conservation of energy, in which P(in) must equal P(out). Thus, a greater input voltage leads to a small output current.

What is kirchoff voltage law and kirchoff current law?

kirchoffs voltage law : the algebric sum of all voltage drop is equal to algebric sum of voltage risekirchoffs current law : algebric sum of all current entering at a node is equal to algebric sum of current leavingCommentIt's Kirchhoff, not 'Kirchoff'!

Why do the voltage drops of an inductor and a lamp in a series ac circuit not equal the applied voltage?

The voltage is greater than the applied voltage, why?

What is open circuit characteristic?

The terminal voltage is equal to the supply voltage and there is zero current.

How does the number of bulbs affect the amount of electrisaty in a circuit?

Adding additional lamps has no effect on the supply voltage supplied to you home. If the lamps are connected in series, then the sum of voltage-drops appearing across each lamp will equal the supply voltage. If the lamps are connected in parallel, then the voltage across each lamp will equal the supply voltage.

What happen when voltage decreases and current increases?

Yes. As long as the load stays the same. Voltage equals the resistance of the load times the current or amperage. Or , in this case, as an example, if the load is the same, the voltage is 240 and current is 10 amps. At 120 volts, the current is 20 amps. Current x resistance(or the load)=voltage. With simple math, the equation can be moved around.

What is the effect of internal resistance of the source to its output voltage?

(a) It reduces the amount of current.(b) Any current that does pass the resistor will lose some power; this lost power is converted to heat in the resistance.AnswerInternal resistance acts to reduce the terminal voltage of the voltage source when it supplies a load. This is due to the internal voltage drop caused when the load current passes through the internal resistance of that source. The greater the load, the lower the resulting teminal voltage.By definition, a voltage source's electromotive force is equal to the sum of the voltage drops, including the internal voltage drop, of the circuit supplied.