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A measuring cyling ( you fill it up with water then you put the stone in and the change is the volume)

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Q: What instrument measures the volume of a small stone?
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How much does 100000 grams of rocks occupy in liters?

A gram measures weight. A liter measures volume. One does not translate to the other. Different rock has different densities. Is the rock granite or sandstone? A solid piece, large crushed stone, pulverized small stone, etc. An average for crushed stone is ABOUT 62.5 liters for 100 Kg.

What piece of lab equipment should be used to find the volume of a small stone?

A graduated cylinder would be the appropriate lab equipment to find the volume of a small stone through water displacement method. Fill the graduated cylinder with water, measure the initial volume, add the stone and record the new volume to calculate the stone's volume.

How can you find the volume of a small stone?

-Use a a measuring cylinder and put 50 litres of water inside. slowly put the stone in and record the new volume. take the new volume and take away 50 and you got the volume of the stone. -Use the displacement method if the stone cannot fit into the measuring cylinder.

How many liters in 14 stone?

You need to specify what the liquid is that you are measuring. The liter is a measure of volume, and the stone is a measure of weight. Liquids with different measures of specific gravity (similar to measures of mass for solids) will fill different volumes at the same weight.

Which is heavy 1 st or 1 kg?

A stone or a kilogram are measures of mass, not weight. A stone is greater. ___________________ No, wrong! They are measures of weight.

How can you measure of volume of a stone by using an overflow can?

The water displaced by the stone is directly proportional to its volume

How do you measure a stone with a beaker?

To measure a stone using a beaker, first fill the beaker with water to a known volume. Then, carefully add the stone to the water and measure the new volume of water, also known as the displacement volume. The difference in volume between the two measurements will give you the volume of the stone.

What general property of matter is illustrated when the volume of the stone is measured by water displacement method?

The general property illustrated by measuring the volume of a stone through water displacement is the principle of displacement. When the stone is submerged in water, it displaces an equal volume of water, providing an indirect method of measuring the volume of the stone.

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How do you find volume if mass is given but density isn't?

You can't. The same mass can have a lot of different volumes, depending on the substance. Examples: A kilogram of stone or lead has a small volume. A kilogram of water has a medium volume. A kilogram of the air inside your house has a large volume.

How will you find the volume of stone using measuring cylinder?

The volume of the stone is measured by displacement. Water is put into the measuring cylinder to a noted mark. The stone is placed in the cylinder and the water level will rise. The difference between the two levels is the volume in ml of the stone.

How can you calculate the volume of a stone when its in water?

you subtract the weight of the water from the weight of the measuring cylinder and you get the volume of the stone