16 cannot become a decimal. only fractions can become decimals. 16 is a whole number. The closest you could get to a decimal would be 16.0
It is: 10/16 = 5/8 which as a decimal is 0.625
16 3/10 as a decimal is 16.3.
If you mean 16/10 then it is 1.6 as a decimal
10/16 = 0.625 10/16 = 0.625 10/16 = 0.625 10/16 = 0.625
16 and 3/10 = 16.3
The number 16 as a decimal is simply 16.0. As a fraction, 16 can be expressed as 16/1, which is the same as 16.0 when written in decimal form. This is because any whole number can be represented as a fraction with the denominator of 1.
(10)hex = (16)decimal
1.6. A tenth has one digit after the decimal point. Written as a mixed fraction, 1.6 is 1 6/10
2 10/16 = 2.625
Well, that would be true if the first two numbers are in base=11 but the 10 is in base=10. (15)11 = decimal 16 (6)11 = decimal 6 (15)11 - (6)11 = (decimal 16) minus (decimal 6) = decimal 10 (*For the solution to the Poptropica riddle, see the related question below.)
16 and 3/10