Cannot be done as 23 is a Prime number
- so no numbers go into it that also go into 42 (3 6 7 14 21)
To reduce the fraction 69/92 to its lowest terms, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 69 and 92, which is 23. Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 23 gives us 3/4. Therefore, 69/92 reduced to its lowest terms is 3/4.
23 / 55 = 23 / (5 * 11) is already reduced (simplified) to lowest terms, numerator and denominator are coprime numbers.
23/45 is in its lowest form
It is already reduced to its lowest form.
115 over 175 in lowest terms is 23/35
23/93 (allready reduced)
Since the numerator and denominator are divisible by 4, 92/260 can be reduced to 23/65 or twenty-three sixty-fifths.
18/23 is in its simplest form.
yes 23/24 is in lowest terms. Because of the divisibility rules you cant evenly divide it to make it smaller.