Divide it by 1000 and so 346/1000 = 0.345
It is 600008/1000, which can be simplified if you so wish.It is 600008/1000, which can be simplified.
0.644 as a simplified fraction = 644/1000 = 161/250
It is 25/1000 which can be simplified, if required.
20.4 percent as a simplified fraction = 204/1000 = 51/250
65.333 = 65333/1000 which cannot be simplified.65.333 = 65333/1000 which cannot be simplified.65.333 = 65333/1000 which cannot be simplified.65.333 = 65333/1000 which cannot be simplified.
It is: 123/1000 as a fraction in its simplest form
56.777 = 56777/1000 and simplified is: 56777/1000
243/1000 is as simple as it can get.
It is 1403/1000, which cannot be simplified.
0.811 = 811/1000 which cannot be simplified.0.811 = 811/1000 which cannot be simplified.0.811 = 811/1000 which cannot be simplified.0.811 = 811/1000 which cannot be simplified.
0.018 as a fraction is 18/1000 and is 9/500 when simplified.