16 * 640 = 10,240
640*4 = 2560
80 multiplied by 640 is 51,200
640 x 60 = 38400
The prime factorization of 640 using exponents is 2^7 x 5. This means that 640 can be expressed as the product of 2 raised to the power of 7, multiplied by 5. In other words, 640 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5. This representation helps us understand the factors that make up the number 640 in terms of its prime components.
75% of 640= 75% * 640= 0.75 * 640= 480
It is328 960 000why don't you use a calculator? or go to Google and tipe in 640 x 5140100?that's what i did.
To calculate how many times 16 goes into 640, you would divide 640 by 16. The result is 40, so 16 goes into 640 40 times. This is because 16 multiplied by 40 equals 640.