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Among other mathematical activities, Euler introduced certain mathematical notation for use by mathematicians such as the symbols e and i, made contributions in differential equations, developed the foundations of mathematical analysis, showed that e was an irrational number, proved one aspect of Fermat's Last Theorem, disproved Fermat's conjecture about "Fermat primes" by factoring the fifth Fermat number, computed Reimann zeta functions, and made contributions to the three-body problem. He also made contributions to fields in physics, such as electricity and magnetism.

he was the best mathematician of all time!

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his primary contribution to the field is with the introductoin of matheatical notaion including the concept of the function(and how it is written as f(x)),shorthand trigonometric functions,the 'e' for the base of the natural logarithm(the euler constant),the greek letter sigma for summation and letter '/i' for imaginary units,as well as the simbol pi for the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter

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