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the hundredths place

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Q: What is The second position past the decimal?
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How do you write 7 and 3 hundredths in decimal?

7.03. The integer (whole) part is to the left of the decimal point; the hundredth's are the second position to the right of the decimal point.

What is the answer of 5363.4 the name of each decimal place indicated?

5 is in the thousands position. the 3 to the left is in hundreds. the 6 is in the tens position. the second 3 is in the units position. the 4 is in the tenths position

How do you write to the hundredth?

Underline the hundredth or second place past the decimal. Look at the third place past the decimal, the thousandths place. If it is 5 or more then rewrite the number changing the underlined number to the next number.

What is 6050.287 rounded to the nearest ten Rounding decimals?

If you are rounding to the nearest tenth (the first decimal position), it is 6050.3, since the 8 in the hundredths position would cause the 2 to round up to 3. If you are rounding to the nearest tens (not a decimal, but the second position to the left of the decimal point), it is 6050. If you are rounding to the nearest 10 decimal places, it is 6050.2870000000.

How would you write 0.008 in a fraction?

The first position after the decimal point measures tenths, the second position measures hundredths and the third position measures thousandths. So, 0.008 = 8/1000

128.9549 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 128.95?

Yes that is correct. The hundredth place is 2 digits past the decimal. If the third decimal is between 0 and 4 the second digit remains the same. If the third decimal is between 5 and 9 then the second digit is increased by one.

When you multiply a decimal by 10 which way to move the decimal?

One position to the right.One position to the right.One position to the right.One position to the right.

In 0.35 which place is the hundredths?

In the number 0.35, the digit 5 is in the hundredths place. The place value of each digit in a decimal number is determined by its position relative to the decimal point. In this case, the hundredths place is two places to the right of the decimal point.

What is the second decimal place to the right of the decimal point?

The second decimal place to the right of the decimal point is called the hundredths place

How do you round 13.681 to one decimal place?

To round 13.681 to once decimal place, you first need to look at the second decimal place and determine it's value. If the number is less than five, you will keep the number that is in the first decimal place. In this case, the number in the hundredths (second) position is an eight, which is greater than five. Therefore, we must change the six to a seven. The answer would be: 13.7

How does the value of a decimal change as you move to the left or the right in a place-value chart?

1st position after decimal is 1/10 2nd position after decimal is 1/100 3rd position after decimal is 1/1000 ..... nth position after decimal is 1/(10^n)

How do you round to the nearest hundredth of a second?

say if you have 23.4578 seconds, you make the time read to two decimal places. because 78 is nearer 100 than 0, you round the 5 up. so it becomes 23.46sec. remember. after the decimal place, 4 in tenths position, 5 in hundredths position, 7 in thousandths position etc.