the term for the bottom number on a fraction is the denominator. The top number is the numerator. Example: in the fraction 2/3, the 2 is the numerator and the 3 is the denominator.
The bottom term of a fraction is known as the denominator.
The denominator
The denominator.
the bottom number is the denominator< while the top is the numeratorThe denominator.
There is no such term as the nominator. The numerator goes on top and the denominator on the bottom.
The top number of a fraction is called the numerator. The bottom number of a fraction is called the denominator.
Simplifying the fraction.
The bottom term in a fraction is officially called the denominator, because it gives you a name for the fraction; for example, if the fraction is 1/2, that is called a half, because of the denominator. No matter what the numerator on top may be, as in the fractions 3/2, 4/2, 5/2 etc., we hare still talking about halves, because the denominator is 2. If the denominator is 3, then we are talking about thirds.
The denominator is the number at the bottom of the fraction,below the numerator.
The number on the bottom of a fraction is known as the "denominator."
In a fraction the denominator is on the bottom and the numerator on the top.
It's the number on the bottom of the fraction.