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Take off the back of the toilet. Look down to the bottom and you'll see a flap that is raised when you flush it. That flap is leaking. IF the toilet is old I strongly recommend the Gerber viper toilet. Inexpensive and works great.

ANS 2 - change the flapper valve - takes about 5 minutes and costs less than $5

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Q: What is causing your toilet bowl to keep releasing slow water flow after or before flushing it and how can you fix it?
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Related questions

Who was the first flushing toilet for?

The first flushing toilet was for queen Victoria the first.

Who invented the public flushing toilet?

The flushing toilet was invented by John Harrington in 1596.

Toilet flushing creates groaning sound in pipes of hosue?

A toilet flushing that creates a groaning sound in the pipes of a house is usually caused by gas buildup in the lines. As the waste and water pass through, it displaces the gases causing the audible noise.

Does flushing a toilet not use water?

Each flush of a toilet uses the same amount of water.

Will a leak in the wax ring of the toilet interfere with the flushing pressure of a toilet?

The wax ring is just to seal the toilet to the drain. It has no effect on the flushing.

Is flushing the toilet with only water in it bad for the toilet?


Can a toilet become unable to flush because of age?

Age isn't reason for toilet not flushing. Several things could be wrong for toilet not flushing.

What is causing a Large air bubble when flushing toilet?

there are large air bubbles in your toilet because your pipes are to thin or are cloged deep into the pipe. if its clogged poor sour milk down your toilet and flush it will desolve what ever is cloging it

What day was the flushing toilet invented?

the flushing toilet was invented on friday 20th october 1590 posted by rebecca mary steves

How do you reach the toilet flushing thing?

With my right or left hand before i get up depending on where the flushy thingy is located.

What is a courtesy flush?

A courtesy flush is flushing the toilet immediately after defecating, before wiping, in addition to the normal flush.

Was the toilet invented in 1998?

No, the modern toilet was not invented in 1998. The flushing toilet was developed in the late 16th century by Sir John Harington, and there have been earlier forms of toilets dating back to ancient civilizations.