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please help me answer this questions: 1. define axiomatic system briefly. 2. what is mathematical sytem? 3. is mathematical system a axiomatic system?

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Q: What is geometry as a mathematical system?
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a number system based on ten, fractions and whole numbers, geometry to measure land, and the calendar.

What does axiom means?

An axiom is a basic mathematical truth used in proofs, outlined initially by Euclid. Axioms are self-evident and do not need to be proven, they can be combined and used logically to prove more complex mathematical concepts, especially in geometry. Example: "The shortest distance between two points is a straight line."

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The Babylonians contributed Geometry, Trigonometry, and one of the oldest mathematical texts, Plimpton 322, to the world. Without these contributions, we would not have had a basis for common mathematical functions in today's educational system.

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