* as far as we know ! A part of maths called "group theory" was thought to be just another fun thing for mathematicians to play with. Then in the 1930s (and in great secrecy) it was used to break the German "Enigma" code machine. This had an enormous impact on WW2. Group theory is now much used to make sense of elementary particles.
thats what math is used for
math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it
Math used to be called Arithmetic.
Name a year. Math was used then.
math can be used in almost everything!how is it used graph's for the weather
Math class.
For you to learn math.
Any math can be used.
Math is used everywhere in the world including Africa. Math is used in markets to trade or count change.
Math is constantly used in accounting. In fact, math is used in accounting more than anything else. Without a strong background in math, you will not be able to be an accountant.
Math can be used for anything; there are many equations used in the whole "going green" deal so math would be used in that manner
math is used by a fire righter when they eat waffles. the end