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  • Mathematicians do maths for fun. They dream up new abstract logical systems, and investigate the properties of those systems. They then publish their results, which are read by (mostly) other mathematicians. One hears talk of "advancing the art" and "intellectual challenge", but really fun is the best overall description.
  • The properties of an abstract mathematical system may or may not correspond to the properties of anything in the concrete world that we live in. Many of them don't.* However, professional thieves physicists and others are always on the lookout for some bit of maths which they can walk off with and use to make sense of some of their experimental data, or describe their latest theory.
  • Maths is used by scientists (physicists especially), engineers of all kinds, bankers, stock-brokers, statisticians, soldiers (artillerymen in particular), Accountants, Poker players and code-breakers. A list of what all these people do with it would need a small book.

* as far as we know ! A part of maths called "group theory" was thought to be just another fun thing for mathematicians to play with. Then in the 1930s (and in great secrecy) it was used to break the German "Enigma" code machine. This had an enormous impact on WW2. Group theory is now much used to make sense of elementary particles.

thats what math is used for

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and abstraction from the world

it's the language that let us explain the world objectively

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Math is used for solving arithmetic problems.

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calculating things

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math is used by a fire righter when they eat waffles. the end