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First add the GPA points together

A- 4






now divide how many classes you have...

15/6= 2.5

2.5 would be a very strong C

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8y ago

If we assume that each course has the same value of credits and it is a 4.0 scale. The will come out as a 3.166.

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Q: What is the GPA with a b c c c c?
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Is a 2.58 GPA a B?

2.5 GPA is the lowest "B". 2.16 is a "C" Average.

What is the GPA for 2 A's 3 B's and 2 C's?

On a scale for GPA where A =4,B=3,C=2, and D=1 then GPA = (4 x2) + (3 x 3) + (2x2) all divided by 7 to get average GPA = 3.0

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2.18 GPA would be equivalent to a "C- to C" grade.

What is the GPA on a 4 scale of a A B A C B?


What is your GPA if you have a b plus 2 regular B's and a c?

Probably a B.

What is letter grade for 2.73 GPA?

2.53 = C+

Whats's the GPA for 2.5?

A 2.5 would be an average of Bs and Cs. To determine your GPA, let A =4, B = 3, C =2, and D=1. Add up your grades and divide by the number of classes to give you an average (your GPA).

What is a 2.81 GPA equal to in letter grades?

A 2.81 GPA is a B Average.

How much do major grades affect your GPA?

Lots. A = 4; B = 3; C = 2; D = 1; F =0. So if one had an A, a C, and a B, their GPA would be 3.0 (B)

What letter grade is a 2.69 GPA in college?

B- or a C+

What are the point values for an A and B in a GPA?

It's like this.. A = 4/4, B = 3/4, C = 2/4 and so on.. You can get all B's and have a 3.0 GPA. If you get A's and B's your GPA will be above 3.0. But don't just strive for B's, work for an A.

What is a 2.5 letter grade?

Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.