kilos are 1 kilo, but tonnes are 1000 kilos, so they have a lot of difference on mass.
11339.8 kilos to 12.5 US tons.
1.68 US tons is 1520 kilos. 1.68 UK tons is 1710 kilos.
154 tons is equal to 154,000 kilograms.
1.1 US (short) tons is 997.9 kilograms.
The only difference between Y12 and T12 is the Kilos per meter. In a Y12 there is 0.888 Kilos and a T12 bar has 0.612 Kilos.
There are 35 metric tons in 35,000 kilos.
2722 kilograms = 3 tons.
Three tons is the difference between them
There are 24,000,000 kilograms in 24,000 tons.
4 short tons = 3,628.7 kilograms.
88.65 US (short) tons.
2.8 metric tons = 2800 kilos.