A rectangular prism has 4 sides, and a triangular prism has three. Its like asking the difference between a Square and a Triangle!
A cylinder has a circular cross section, a rectangular prism has a rectangular cross section.
The surface area of a cylinder prism has round shape and the surface of a rectangular prism has a square shape.
There is no such thing as a rectangular prism square!
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yes, they are different.
Rectangular prism is 3rd dimensional, while a rec. is 2 dimensional.
Triangular prism - 6 Rectangular prism - 8 Rectangular pyramid - 5 Square pyramid - 5 Answer: Rectangular prism
You can have a triangular prism but not a triangular cuboid which is a rectangular shape.
Well, honey, a cube is a special kind of rectangular prism where all sides are the same length, so they both have six faces, eight vertices, and twelve edges. It's like saying a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn't always a square. So, technically, a cube is just a snazzy rectangular prism showing off its symmetry.
A triangular prism has a uniformed cross-section whereas a rectangular pyramid does not.
A cube is a rectangular prism where all sides are of equal length. {Copied from a correct answer to an equivalent question}