There are two types of fractions such as 3/4, 7/8 which are proper fractions because the numerator is less than the denominator and 16/7, 21/4 which are improper fractions because the numerator is greater than the denominator.
write 18.575 in fractional notation
The fractional notation for 0.3496 is 437/1250
The fractional notation for 0.13932 is 3483/25000
The fractional notation of 19.961 = 19961/1000
The fractional notation for 1.008 is 126/125
12.49 in fractional notation = 1249/100
The fractional notation of 19.525 = 781/40
The fractional notation for 2.21 = 221/100
7.2 in fractional notation = 36/5
The fractional notation for 5.15 is 103/20
Fractional notation for 6.5 is 13/2
The fractional notation of 7.56 = 189/25