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In most teacher's views, an 81% is viewed as a B-.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

It is; 88.75%

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Q: What is the grade for an 81?
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What is 81 percent letter grade?

Most scales have it at a B- Check to see which scale applies to you.

What is your grade for 73 out of 90?

81% or B-

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81% or B-

What is the lowest grade you can receive if you get an 81 percent?

in my school it a b-

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the answer is 81 3x3=9 9x3=27 27x3=81 by the way i am only in 3rd grade

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percentage = 88% Letter grade = B or (B+ depending on the grading scale)

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81 percent which is typically a low B.

What is our grade if you have 81 out of 136 possible points?

It is 59.6%. How that translates to grades depends on the scoring scheme.

How does a 81 percent score rate on a college exam?

Usually 81% is a grade A or B, depending on what subject the college exam is for. Different subjects have different marking schemes.

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Grading system is better than marks?

I don't think it works because there can be causes when someone has a better grade than you because you missed that grade cotoff by say can that be justify ? eg.let say grade a Well, the system of grading failed miserably because of its intricate nature.Supposing 70-80 is earmarked as grade B and 81-90 as A, the candidates who have scored 79 and 81 respectively, will be regarded to have scored Grade B and A, though the difference of marks between the two are only 2.

Juan has grades of 77 72 90 60 70 81 on his mathematics tests this semester if he drops his lowest grade what will his average be for the semester?

77+72+90+70+81=390 390/5=78