In order to convert decimals into percentages In order to convert decimals into fractions To distinguish irrational numbers from rational numbers
The importance of lining up the decimals is so you can just add from bottom to top it makes things a lot easier.
Decimals are very important in the everyday use of numbers. It would be very difficult to make calculations, especially of money. without having the larger and smaller units separated by decimal points.
terminating decimals and repeating decimals
the importance is they keep us away from harm
It is the basic law of attraction in humans. The person whom we give importance won't come after us but vice versa.
There are many situations where integers are simply not enough. However, "real numbers" are mainly of theoretical importance; for most practical situations, numbers that have a limited number of decimals work quite well.
They provide Oxygen and food for us.
Two of them are terminating decimals and recurring decimals
terminating decimals non terminating decimals repeating decimals non repeating decimals
You use decimals on a daily basis when you handle money - if you live in a country that has cents, pennies, or something similar. The pennies are simply decimals of the larger unit - for example, in the United States, 57 cents are US$ 0.57.