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Q: What is the meaning of the stem epi?
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Where is the root word in epidermis?

dermis, from the latin word "derma" meaning skin, is the root word epi is the prefix meaning "on"

What it the suffix of epidermis?

The suffix of "epidermis" is "-dermis," which means "skin" in Greek.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning beside?

The medical terminology combining form meaning "beside" is "para-."

What is the medical term meaning a tumor with a stem?

A polyp is the medical term meaning a tumor with a stem.

Is there a stem word with the meaning sing?

Yes, the stem word with the meaning "sing" is "voc."

What does the medical abbreviation EPI mean?

Epi is usually used as shorthand for epinephrine, as in an Epi-pen.

Prefix meaning upon?

The teacher had a mosquito bite upon his lip

What is the meaning of the stem anthro?

Stem (Anthro)= Human E.g; Anthropology

Why does epidermis have the word epi in it?

The prefix "epi-" in epidermis comes from the Greek word meaning "upon" or "over". This reflects the epidermis's position as the outermost layer of the skin, covering and protecting the underlying tissues.

What is the definition of epi leather?

definition of epi leather

What is the root word or root origin of epilogue?

The root word of "epilogue" is from the Greek word "epilogos," which is derived from "epi" meaning "at the end" and "logos" meaning "word" or "speech."

What is the medical term meaning something that stimulates urination?

Polyuria is the medical term meaning urinary frequency.