I believe it is formula.
Rule frequently expressed in statistical symbols?
Rule or principle frequency expressed in statistical symbols?
Here are some commonly used symbols in statistics.μ is used to denote the population mean and σ is used for the population standard deviation. Some other very common and important ones arex (with a bar on top) which is used for the sample mean and s which is used for sample standard deviation.
tacos are delicious
Formula is a words that can mean several different things. Formula can refer to a rule or principle in math, frequently expressed in algebraic symbols. It can mean a recipe or prescription, and it can also refer to a nutritious mixture used for feeding a baby.
What is the official list of official Texas symbols (as in state flower, tree, stone, animals, etc.)?
The chemical symbols are approved by IUPAC; symbols are derived from the name of the chemical element in Latin, frequently the first two letters.
They did not have an alphabet, their words were expressed by symbols, string these symbols together and you have a story.