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Neither of your options are correct, it should be seven eights (not eighths) are fifty four.

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Q: What is the right way to say this seven eighths is 54 or seven eighths are 54?
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Is 7 eighths greater than 5 tenths?

Yes, seven eighths is greater than five tenths. Five tenths, or one half, expressed in eighths would be four eighths. Since seven is greater than four, seven eighths is greater than four eighths (or five tenths). One easy way to know is use a calculator and do the division (seven divided by eight, and five divided by ten); in decimal form the higher value may be more quickly apparent when compared.

How many cups is seven eighths of a cup?

Seven eighths of a cup is slightly less than one cup. In decimal form, it is .875 cup. That's really the only other way of saying it.

What fraction is half way between three quarters and seven eighths?

It is: (3/4+7/8)/2 = 13/16

How is seven eighths bigger that five sixths And if it is how can i prove it?

The easiest way is their decimal equivalents. 7/8 = 0.875 5/6 = 0.833 repeating

How much longer than nine sixteenths is seven eighths?

9/16=0.5625 7/8=0.875 7/8 - 9/16=0.3125 Another way to look at this is to consider that seven eighths is the same as fourteen sixteenths, and fourteen sixteenths is five sixteenths greater than nine sixteenths.

What is another way to write one and one eighth?

Another way to write one and one eighths is nine eighths.(9/8)

What is 2 eighths and 5 eighths added?

Maybe you need to put your brain into gear of you can't add 2 to 5. The answer's 7 eighths, by the way.

How do you say 7 to the fourth?

You say: "seven to the fourth power." (2401 by the way)

Is one tenth less than seven eighths?

yes, by quite a bit. simple cross-multiplication is a simple way to do this: 8 70 1 7 - x - 10 8

How do you say 0.157?

the way you say it is zero and one hundred fifty seven thousandths.

How do you say great in latin?

"Great" in Latin is "magnus."