143% is 1.43
To express 143 as a decimal, you would simply write it as 143.0. In decimal form, whole numbers are typically written with a decimal point and a zero to indicate that there are no decimal places. So, 143 as a decimal is 143.0.
143% = 1.43 (divide a percent by 100 to get the decimal form).
It is: 1/4 which is 0.25 as a decimal
Well, honey, in the decimal 0.004, the value of the 4 is 4 thousandths. So, that little 4 may be tiny, but it sure does pack a punch in that decimal!
It is 143.0
The value of the digit 4 in 60.34 is four hundredths.
80 ÷ 143 × 100 = 55.94% (to 2 decimal places).
The value of the digit "4" is the ones value. The value of the number "1" could represent the tens value in decimal, eights in octal or sixteens in hexidecimal. Assuming a decimal numbering system there are 4 ones and 1 ten in the decimal number represented by "14"
Binary 100 is 4 in decimal.