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Q: What letters do not have any line of symmetry?
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Which letters have a line symmetry?

Letters that have a vertical line symmetry: WTYUIOAHXVM Letters that have a horizontal Line symmetry: EIODHKCB

Which letters of alphabet have no line symmetry?

all letters have a line of symmetry

What is a figure that has point symmetry but not line symmetry?

The letters S and N have point symmetry but not line symmetry.

How many letters have a line of symmetry?

It has 1 vertical line of symmetry

How many letters are there in English with only one line of symmetry?

There are 11 letters with only one line of symmetry.

Do any of these letters t or n or v or w not have a line of symmetry?

t and n do not have a line of semetry

Does z have rotational symmetry but no line symmetry?

The letters H and Z have both line symmetry and rotational symmetry

What capital leters do not have a line of symmetry?

There are many letters that don't have a line of symmetry!BFJLNPQRS

Which letters in the word shave have line symmetry?

H, A, V, and E have line of symmetry

Which letter below has point symmetry but does not have line of symmetry?

The list provided with the question doesn't include any letters that meet the requirements.

What are the 3 letters that have one line of symmetry?

C has 1 horizontal line of symmetry V & W have one vertical line of symmetry.

What figure has rotational symmetry but not line symmetry?

A nonrectangular parallelogram has rotational symmetry, but not line symmetry. Additionally, shapes such as the letters S, N, and Z can be rotated to show rotational symmetry, although they do not have line symmetry.