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Algebra II

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Q: What math does the average junior in high school take?
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Who taught math at East Ladue junior high school in 1963?

Kenneth Lackey, now living in Springfield, MO

What is the average wage of a high school math teacher in Texas?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the estimated mean annual wage for a high school teacher as of May 2008 was, $54,390.

How wide is the junior high lockers?

yoy have science book, math, geography alot of stuf

What is secondary math?

Secondary school mathematics consists of mathematics typically taught in middle schools (a.k.a., junior high schools) and high schools (or secondary schools) — that is, roughly ages 11–17. It is preceded by primary school mathematics and followed by university level mathematics.

What does high school math include?


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Where can you find Math fair project ideas for middle school?

You can locate many math fair project ideas on the internet. Just type in math fair project ideas junior high and many ideas will come up. You can also order a book or borrow one from the library of projects.

What is the hardest subject in math?

high school algebra CORRECT ANSWER: Linear Algebra in high school.

What math do you take to get a doctorate in math?

What math at what level? Do you mean the final math courses to get your doctorate or from high school on?

What subject was Gabriella good at from high school musical?

Math and Science.

What is the difference between college trigonometry and high school math?

The difference between college trigonometry and high school math is that college courses tend to be more focused in one subject. High school courses tend to provide the student with a broad understanding of math.

Math teachers at Dudley High School?