1,000 mills or aprox 1/4 of a US gallon Answer: 1 litre is the same as:
* 1 kg water * 4.23 cups * 0.26 US liq gallon * 0.22 UK liq gallon * 61.02 cu. in. * 67.63 tblsp * 202.88 tsp
You're in luck! A liter is a measurement of liquid volume in the metric system.
Everything in the metric system is a multiple of 10, which makes it *very* easy to work with.
the liter is your "base" unit. A milliliter is veeeery very small.
So 1 liter = (alot, or a little?) milliliters?
That's right, since a mililiter is smaller than a liter, we can fit ALOT of milliliters into a liter.
In fact, we can fit 1000 milliliters into every liter!
Milli means one-thousandth (not a million, like you might think)
The most commonly used metric system prefixes are:
Giga - one BILLION units
Mega - one MILLION units
Kilo - one thousand units
(liter/gram/meter ) - one unit
centi - one hundredth (1/100) of a unit
milli - one thousandth (1/1000) of a unit
There are others, like a nano(unit) [one millionth] or a micro(unit) [one billionth], but they aren't usually used because they are so tiny! Even smaller than a milli(unit)!
The rule of thumb to remember is, if you're converting a big unit into a smaller unit, like liters to milliliters you need to multiply. Because we're changing something big into many many smaller pieces.
If you want to convert a smaller unit into a bigger unit, for example:
How many liters are in 3500 milliliters?
You need to divide to change the smaller unit (milliliters) into a bigger unit (liters).
And since we know there are 1000 milliliters for every liter, we can divide 3500 by 1000.
or, 3.5 (just move the decimal place on 3500 three spaces to the left, since a milliliter is worth 1000 - see the 3 zeros on 1000?)
There are approximately 202 teaspoons in 1 liter.
One liter equals 1.06 quarts.
it is 5352346949593040203
One milliliter is one thousand of a liter. Or put in another way, 1000 milliliters equals one liter.
I liter equals 100 centiliters. There are 33.8140227 ounces in one litter. And there are 1000 milliliters in one liter.
1 ml = 0.001 1 liter = 1000 ml
1 liter is equivalent to 1000 milliliters.
i litre equals 1000cc
One Liter
One cubic meter equals one million cubic centimeter. It equals also one thousand liter. Accordingly, the volume of one liter of water equals 0.001 cubic meter.
A liter measures volume, usually liquids. One liter equals about 33.8 fluid ounces.