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When the observed values are in a cluster that starts at quite a large number, or if the values are in two [or more] clusters with long gaps between them.

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Q: When would you use a broken scale?
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What would you use to measure the weigth of a package?

You would use a scale for measuring weight.You would use a scale for this.

When is a broken scale used?

A broken scale would be used in situations where precise measurement is not critical or when the broken scale can still provide a relative indication. For example, in some art projects or DIY tasks where rough estimates are sufficient, a broken scale may still be useful.

What is a broken scale in math?

When the scale is large, there is little point in starting it at 0. We therefore start at a more appropriate number, and draw a little zigzag at the bottom of the scale where 0 would have been. That is a broken scale.

What is a broken scale bar graph?

A broken scale is a symbol used when a scale on the graph starts at a big number. It can be used on the x and y axis. It looks like the number 3 but with straight lines so it is a zig-zag and is places ON the axis line eg if the scale on the y axis starts at 324, you would write zero then the broken scale ON the line then 324.

How will you measures length with a broken scale?

You can't, its broken.

How you would use the scale in miles to estimate total area of Madagascar?

how you would use the scale in miles to estimate to total area of Madagascar

How would you use the words map scale in a sentence?

our teacher taught us how to use the map scale correctly .

What would you use to measure the mass of a pencil?

To measure the mass of a pencil, you would typically use a scale or a balance. Place the pencil on the scale or balance, and the device will provide you with the measurement of the pencil's mass in grams or ounces.

What would you use to measure mass of an eraser?

You would use a scale to measure the mass of an eraser. Place the eraser on the scale and read the measurement displayed.

What scale would you use for a tabletop model of a bridge?

What are different kinds of scale models

What would you use to measure the mass of a block?

You would use a scale to measure the mass of a block. Place the block on the scale and record the reading to determine its mass.

Why would you use a broken line graph?

You would use a broken bar graph, when grouping and gathering information. You would use straight, slanted, or vertical lines and showing points with dots. A broken bar graph is just like a line graph.