There is a dual for every Boolean operation. For example the dual of (a AND b) is not(not A or not B). The first says TRUE if a and b are both TRUE. The second says that FALSE if a is FALSE or b is FALSE. Both statements are equivalent. This equivalency is also referred to by DeMorgan's Theorem.
The boolean operation that keeps only the volume common to two solid objects is the intersection operation. This operation creates a new object that consists only of the overlapping region of the original objects.
An AND gate is a logic gate performing a Boolean logic AND operation.
A Negative Feedback Loop.
Boolean operations on traiangulated solids are computer graphic representations of the overlap of two polygons, in this case triangles. They can be created using bitmaps.
Boolean, 1: normal, 27
the math operation that is the product is the anwser.
Boolean algebra is a mathematical method used to describe the behavior and operation of digital logic. Boolean descriptions and relationships can help us design logic and predict the behavior of more complex digital systems.
Boolean searches allow you to combine words and phrases using the words AND, OR, NOT and NEAR (otherwise known as Boolean operators) to limit, widen, or define your search. Most Internet search engines and Web directories default to these Boolean search parameters anyway, but a good Web searcher should know how to use basic Boolean operators.
Counting up to 1023 on your fingersImpressing other geeksUnderstanding boolean algebraAnd more!
An XNOR gate is a logic gate performing a Boolean logic XNOR operation, also known as an equivalence gate.